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  1. Apr 11, 2023 · Toutes nos vidéos l'actualité pdl.france3.fr5 après l'évacuation de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes, ...

    • Apr 11, 2023
    • 5.2K
    • France 3 Pays de la Loire
  2. Jan 23, 2018 · In 2016, he photographed a group of about 300 activists who had been occupying a 4,000-acre area on the outskirts of the village of Notre-Dame-des-Landes in western France known as the ZAD (a ...

  3. ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes (also known as ZAD NDDL) is the most well-known 'Zone to Defend' in France. Located in the Loire-Atlantique department near to Nantes , it is a very large, mostly agricultural terrain of 1,650 hectares (4,080 acres) which became nationally famous in the early 2010s and has resisted several concerted attempts by the ...

  4. Jan 18, 2021 · VID. ÉO — À Notre-Dame-des-Landes, un anniversaire sous le signe de la reconstruction. Trois ans après l’abandon du projet d’aéroport à Notre-dame-des-Landes, les habitants de la Zad continuent de faire vivre un foisonnement d’initiatives. Pour l’anniversaire de la victoire, ils ont fêté dimanche 17 janvier le lancement de l ...

  5. Aug 9, 2021 · by Daliri Oropeza. August 9, 2021. The Encounter of Women, Trans, Inter, and Nonbinary People at the Zone to Defend (ZAD) in France’s Notre Dame des Landes marked the first encounter held between the Zapatista delegation in Europe and those hailing from multiple dissidences, struggles, and gender rebellions. The event was called Many ...

  6. Dec 28, 2017 · Driving through the village of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the “Non à l’Aéroport” signs planted in the hedgerow and painted on the roads become more frequent. On the fringe of the ZAD, a house ...

  7. Jul 6, 2019 · La Zad est encore vivace, pleine de projets, et entend le rappeler ce week-end lors du rassemblement d’été ZADenVIES. Mais les incertitudes au sujet de l’avenir des terres ou des habitations sont aussi nombreuses. Reporterre est allé voir où en était la Zad. -* Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique), reportage Les haies sont toujours aussi épaisses, les oiseaux aussi bavards, les ...

  1. Searches related to people arrive festival notre dame des landes photo

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